Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Police Departments Handle Brutality Allegations

Police Brutality: Pervasive Problem or Rare Anomaly? There is no question that police brutality, when it occurs, is one of the most egregious violations of public trust that a public servant can commit. Police officers, those individuals taxed with protecting the public from danger, should never be in a situation where they pose a threat to the public. Furthermore, there is no question that police brutality occurs. Moreover, generally when there are allegations of police brutality, there has been some type of underlying violent incident. In addition, while issues of brutality may seem clear-cut to a disinterested observer, it is critical to keep in mind that law enforcement officers are not presented with textbook examples of the appropriate or inappropriate use of force, but real-life scenarios involving quick decisions. There are many arrest and non-arrest scenarios where officers need to use force to protect self or others; and the degree of force required may be greater than what a disinterested observer would assume. Another recu rrent issue in debates about police brutality is that racial bias appears to be a motive behind police brutality. When one considers that minorities are disproportionately likely to be arrested and convicted of crimes, one would expect to find a disproportionate number of minorities among those alleging police brutality. Therefore, while acknowledging that police brutality, when it occurs, is a serious problem, the reality is that mostShow MoreRelatedPolice Brutality1263 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Police Brutality Did you know that Police brutality is the intentional use of excessive force, usually physical, but potentially also in the form of verbal attacks and psychological intimidation, by a police officer? Despite major improvements in police practices (since 1981) reports of alleged police misconduct and abuse continue to spread through the nation. Police Brutality still goes on around the world today with improvements of enforcing police brutality in police departments. There haveRead MorePolice Brutality in NYC1424 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Police Brutality in NYC Police brutality is the use of excessive physical force, including beating citizens with hands or batons, or using guns, and even lethal weapons. For the vast majority of citizens, this is something they never have experienced. Many police officers go their entire careers without ever having to draw their weapon or even engage in a serious physical confrontation in order to protect themselves or the public from an offender. A very small percentage ofRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article Racism And Brutality By Cassandra Chaney1226 Words   |  5 PagesIn the article, Racism and Brutality in America, author Cassandra Chaney presented the case of Rodney King, a forty-seven year old African-American taxi driver, who was brutally attacked four LAPD police officers. According to her novel, the aim of her study was â€Å"to examine how the public generally perceive police and how race and racism shape this discourse.† Unfortunately, the public was left clueless. Rodney King’s case was left unfinished as the media never released any studies of implicationsRead MorePolice Brutality And The United States1630 Words   |  7 Pages Police Brutality is an ongoing problem and existent concern in the United States and should be resolved immediately. Law enforcement must function as an element that consists of organized and civilized officers. The p resence of police brutality is becoming more of an issue as society grows. The problem posed by the illegal exercise of police power is an ongoing reality for individuals of a disfavored race, class, or sexual orientation. Police brutality must be stopped so that police do not forgetRead MorePolice Brutality Within The African American Community1265 Words   |  6 PagesAsad Bidiwala RHE 306 August 13, 2015 Police Brutality within the African-American Community The specific audience of my argumentation is the racially ignorant white populations that refuse to acknowledge the idea that police brutality towards the African-American race is evident amongst our society. The racially ignorant white population assumes that police brutality is used as a defense mechanism rather than an appeal to racism towards African-Americans. This hostile audience becomes uncomfortableRead MoreA Brief Note On Police Brutality And America1098 Words   |  5 PagesAndrea Studebaker November 18, 2015 ENG 1113 CRN 12896 E4FD Police Brutality in America On April 12th, 2015, a young man named Freddie Gray, was arrested for allegedly having an illegal switchblade on his person. That same day, Gray entered a police van for transport, seemingly fine. Only to leave that same police van half an hour later, in a coma, with severe injuries to his spinal cord. Thirty minutes is all it took, for a seemingly healthy man, to end up in the back of an ambulance.Read MoreA Report On Police Brutality1367 Words   |  6 PagesStudent Name Instructor Date Course Police Brutality There is various forms of human rights violation currently in the United States, however; Police abuse remains the most serious of them all. Police brutality is, therefore, the use of excessive force or even unnecessary force by the police while they are dealing with civilians. People are left wondering if the police are doing the jobs they were appointed to do under the law. They act in ways such as the use of guns and pepper sprays to intimidateRead MoreThe Actions Of The Police Force1358 Words   |  6 Pagesof the police, there is usually always a backstory to the event that causes an uproar in the Nation. Factors that contribute to these kinds of things are racism, corruption, and the training the police force goes through. To start off, one of the main leading factors that contributes to brutal retaliation of innocent citizens is racism. There follows back a long history of violence, slavery, and war against the races, which creates much tension with each other. It is reported that police shoot andRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Police Agency Essay1715 Words   |  7 PagesPolice agencies have been traumatized with allegations of corruption and misconduct almost since the inception of law enforcement. In most organizations, an employee investigation is a sensitive issue. The employee being investigated can become unsettled, many times mentally and emotionally exhausted. Employees directly and indirectly involved can also become emotionally drained. Consider the impact an internal affairs investigation has within a police agency as it struggles to maintain the confidenceRead MorePolice Brutality By Charles Shaw1777 Words   |  8 PagesPolice Brutality Abstract In the 1970’s the American government used the SWAT team in an estimate, few hundred times a year, however, in the recent days, there has been over 40,000 military style raids a year. Looking at the statistics from the National Counter Terrorism Department released in 2011, the number of private US citizens who were killed by terrorists in that year were 17. From a film by Charles Shaw, it is documented that at least 500 innocent Americans lose their lives to police brutality

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